Welcome at


Welcome to my Homepage www.jaddaland.de. Here you`ll find a lot of pictures and storys about my Hobbys. I´ll hope you like it and if you want, write one or two words in the Guestbook.

My name is Jutta Flaßhove and i´m a librarien in a public library off Duisburg, Germany.

I like painting and fotografic. My journeys brought me to America, Scandinavia and other countrys. Sometimes I travell on my motorcycle and you will see, I really like cemeterys. I made a lot of pictures off angels at the cemeterys of Rome, Milano, Collogne or Bergamo. 

I allthough like Stargate, the Science-Fiction-Series. I write fanfiction and visited a lot of conventions.

I´m interested in familyhistory. My family lived on a small farm near Dülmen. The history of the farm beginns in 1395 and my research included the hole history of this area. I found hundreds of people and at now, I search since 12 years.

If you intrested in more information please contact me under jadda@gmx.net

see you

your jadda/Jutta